Common Name: Jameson’s Red Rock Hare
Scientific Name: Pronolagus randensis
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Lagomorpha
Family: Leporidae
Genus: Pronolagus
Species: P. randensis

Today you will be reading about the Jameson’s Red Rock Hare. Some of the habits are interesting.
Jameson’s Red Rock Hares are about 35-50 centimeters long and weigh up to 5 lbs. Their fur is a rufous-brown on the upper-parts of its body and has a white-ish chin. The sides of its neck, lower jaw and cheeks are a light grey and have a reddish-brown and black tipped tail. One adaptation could be that the front of them is an orangey-red color to go with the rocks. Identifying characteristics are the orangey-red fur and the grainy grey-brown fur.
This rabbit is found only on the continent of Africa in areas around Zimbabwe and Namibia. The population is over 10,000 individuals. The population is stable, though it is probably slightly growing. The thing contributing to the change is the endangerment of their habitat from human encroachment.
In the food web, they are either in the middle or almost at the bottom. Being nocturnal, it only feeds at night on insects and vegetation including grasses, leaves, and certain fruits. It eats at or near the habitat. Not much is known on the breeding habits of this animal, but it happens year round and females can have one to three babies per litter. Some predators of the Jameson’s Red Rock Hare are leopards, cape eagle owls, and black eagles.
An interesting fact is that it is nocturnal. I learned a lot about this, I didn’t even know it existed, but I do now!
Author: Jillian L.
Published: 02/2013
http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jameson%27_red_rock_hare Jameson’s Red Rock Hare, 2006-05-12
www.iuncredlist.org/details/41294/0 Pronolagus randensis, 2008
www.mammalwatching.com/Afrotropical/afrotropnamibia.html Namibia
www.pestproducts.com/hares-jackrabbits.htm#RedRock Hares and Jackrabbits
http://wildpro.twycrosszoo.org/S/0MLagomorph/Leporidae/Pronolagus/Pronolagus_randensis.htm Pronolagus randensis, Jameson’s Red Rock Hare