Common Name: Black Pika
Scientific Name: Ochotona nigrita
Kingdom: Animalia
Phylum: Chordata
Class: Mammalia
Order: Lagomorpha
Family: Ochotonidae
Genus: Ochotona
Species: O.nigritia

Ochotona nigritia or Black pika was thought to be the province of china. The Black pika is mostly found in china. It was discovered in 2000 by two scientist.
Pikas can measure up to 120 to 300 mm long and 90mm across. The pika is either black or silver but the pika is usually found in black. They can weigh up to 500 grams or a pound and a half. Pikas are egged shaped rodent like animals with large ears and short tails. The head of the pika is blunt and short, they also have short legs.
Pikas rarely come into conflict with humans. Since the status of species is hard to assesses because they inhabit such remote areas. Pikas live in Yunnan, China were the first sighting of the pika was found. The black pika is not on the endangered species list so there population is doing good.
Pikas usually eat grasses, flowering stalks, and leaves. Their preference is usually in high protein and other important chemicals. Most of the pikas can’t grasp plants with their forepaws so they eat with a side to side jaw motion. They mostly don’t have any predators other than large birds like eagles or hawks.
I think my animal is important because so far it isn’t in danger but it may be if their habitat gets destroyed. I think what stood out the most is that the black pika is rarely seen. I hope I learn more about this animal in the future.
Author: Oscar H.
Sources: http:// www.wildpro.twycrosszoo.org. today’s news, December 4, 2012
Sources: http:// www.wikipedia.com. John Hopkins, December 27, 2012.