Aphelenchus avenae’s are also known as Plant Pathogenic Nematodes. They are microscopic roundworms (Non-segmented worms.) They are closely related to parasitic worms. The eggs and larvae usually live in damp soil. They can also survive in a living host's tissue, especially perennial hosts and seeds. Now that you know all the basics, let’s talk about the reproduction of these animals. Well, the mature females form eggs. The eggs can either be inside or outside plant tissues.
That’s pretty much all you really need to know about Aphelenchus avenae. Hopefully, now you know what you were hoping to find out.
Author: Chyanne A
Published: 03/2008
www.wikipedia.org/wiki/aphelenchus_avenae www.plantpath.wisc.edu.html
Photo Credit: www.discoverlife.org